Next time DCAA looks at your payroll system you might share this and inquire if they have checked their own pay….

In a recent audit by the DOD OIG ( of the Department of Defense’s Payroll Systems (along with DOE, DHHS, and VA) the following was discovered:

  • 31 0f 245 (12.65%) of the personal action forms, health insurance election forms, and life insurance elections forms were missing.
  • 11 of 25 (44%) of the sampled individuals pay rate could not be supported.
  • 13 of 25 (52%) of the sampled individuals retirement withholding was calculated wrong.
  • 7 0f 25 (28%) of the sampled individuals health insurance withholding was wrong. The same was true for another seven individuals life insurance withholding.

Need I go on? The audit discovered similar problems on all areas of the payroll withholding and contributions.

Next time DCAA looks at your payroll system you might share this and inquire if they have checked their own pay….