Advocacy is a central aspect of our work and mission.
Since 2008, government contracting auditing and compliance suffers from a chaotic environment arising out of other government auditors (GAO and DOD IG) asserting that the contracting de facto auditor the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audits were of such poor quality that the audits could not be relied on FIFTY out of FIFTY-THREE times in their sample.
Other negative audit reports followed and Congress passed two seperate laws aimed at the increasing backlog and management problems with DCAA
DCAA is working hard at improvement, but in their annual reports to Congress, DCAA admits that about half of their findings are subsequently overturned.
And that is when you can get DCAA to show up. Increasingly, decisions about what can and cannot be done on government contracts are being made by government employees without the knowledge or training to make the best decision placing additional risks on contractors.
All of this creates an uncertain environment for contractors that can cost them money, or even their government work based on a position taken by the government that may, or may not, be correct.
We work with contractors all over the country, and the world, advocating and advising them on their current, past, and future contracts. Many issues can be solved in a few hours, unfortunately some cannot. Contact us about your thoughts, concerns, or problems, and we will be happy to share our knowledge.
Here is Senator McCaskill questions DCAA at a Senate hearing about a GAO report critical of DCAA.